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Shanghai meeting in Uzbekistan.

Increasing Russian tensions in Eastern Europe.

Shanghai meeting in Uzbekistan.

Shanghai meeting. Meeting in Uzbekistan.

Subject headings.

Shanghai meeting in Uzbekistan.

  • Increasing internal problems in Europe.
  • The World is in Crisis.
  • Meeting in Uzbekistan.
  • The tension between Greece and Turkey.

This article is unbiased.

Increasing internal problems in Europe.

Shanghai meeting in Uzbekistan.
Shanghai meeting in Uzbekistan.

Shanghai meeting in Uzbekistan. Russia has a very serious problem of military incompetence in Ukraine and the war is not going the way Russia wants.
If Russia sees that it has lost on land, it will launch a very fierce attack from the air. Russia’s air army is very strong. Russia can inflict great damage on Ukraine with its airstrikes. We see this when we look at the history of Russia.

political conflict that involved two world powers. Russia cut off natural gas from their country to Europe. It is predicted that Europe’s natural gas will run out in January.
The US sells LNG liquefied natural gas to Europe. This is 4 times more expensive than natural gas bought from Russia.

Big sociological problems started in Europe. Germany has allocated 65 billion euros to help its citizens. That will increase inflation.
100 yellow vests were arrested in France, which will make the protests in France even more violent.
Even if Ukraine seems to be winning, it may experience great destruction in an instant. Do not forget what Russia did to Chechnya in history. There is an old statement of the Russian defense ministry that said that if we lose the war in Ukraine, they will use nuclear weapons.

When we look at the history of Russia, we see that Russia does not pity anyone and does what it says. Remember Chechnya. Remember how the war in Chechnya ended after Putin came?

The World is in Crisis.

Shanghai meeting in Uzbekistan. We see that many Countries are shaken. According to important organizations in the world, 107 countries may default because they cannot pay their debts.
A debt restructuring may come to the fore in the world. We see that the current international system is beginning to collapse.
The North Korean Parliament authorized Kim Jong Un to use nuclear weapons. After this decision, the United States announced that they were ready to meet with North Korea.

We read from the media the news that a few factories and companies in Europe were closed. The number of these closed companies and factories will increase.
Russia is determined to freeze Europe from the cold this winter. Many European countries have restricted the use of energy and set strict rules.

In Switzerland, the minister called on the people to take a shower together. It was announced that those who do not comply with the energy-saving rules will be imprisoned for 3 years or face high fines.
Some EU Countries will implement similar rules.

When we look at America, we see that there will be elections. There are many problems in the USA.
Republicans in America are getting stronger again. The Republicans will win the House of Representatives. If the Republicans win in the Senate, it means that the democrats will no longer be able to easily take the decisions they want. There are great ideological differences in America, especially regarding immigrants.
Texas sends all immigrants by bus to states dominated by democrats.

America does not want the war in Ukraine to end and is trying to control Europe through this war. Europe wants to establish its army, but the factories cannot work at full capacity because of the energy problem. In the past, France said that the EU should establish its army, but now Germany is saying the same thing.
This project will not work. There are divisions in Europe. There are differences of opinion between the east and west of Europe.
Shanghai meeting in Uzbekistan. A new balance is being established in the world.
In this balance, America and Europe will lose their position.

We see protests taking place in many countries, which increases instability. This is happening all over the world, but mostly in Europe.
Europe has a very difficult process ahead of it. To understand the economic part of this problem, it is necessary to pay attention to two issues. One of them is internal problems and the other is external problems.

External problems for Europe continue to increase. The source of these problems is the war in Ukraine. As the war in Ukraine continues, the problems in Europe will continue. Europe can be divided into two parts, East and West.

Meeting in Uzbekistan.

Shanghai meeting in Uzbekistan.The world has split in two. Now the world has become bipolar, with the union of Asian countries on one side and the union of the USA and EU on the other.
Shanghai meeting takes place in Uzbekistan and after September 17, we will see a different order in the world.

Some opposed Turkey’s participation in this meeting. After September 17, we will see that it will increase its pressure on Turkey, especially through Western International media channels.
Therefore, there was a conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

The tension between Greece and Turkey.

Shanghai meeting in Uzbekistan
. Tensions arose between Greece and Turkey in the Mediterranean. Greece tried to harass the Turkish merchant ship within the borders of Turkey and opened fire with a gun. Before this, the Greek air defense system was locked onto Turkish warplanes and harassed Turkish warplanes on a NATO mission.

The new balance of Politics in Europe. Greece is taking offensive actions against Turkey and its actions will have significant consequences for Greece. A scenario similar to Ukraine is being tried to be constructed over Greece in the Mediterranean. Greece is harassing Turkish warplanes using S300 air defense systems.

Greece continues to arm the Aegean islands by acting against the Paris and Lausanne agreements. This increases the tension with Turkey. The rapid armament of Greece and the open declaration that it is doing this against Turkey show that Greece is preparing for war against Turkey. A possible war between Greece and Turkey is planned over sea and air. In the land war, Greece knows that it cannot defeat Turkey.

The battle will take place over the Aegean islands. He is making preparations in Turkey. He announced that he had arrested Greek agents in Turkey as a result of the operation carried out by Turkish intelligence.
France and America announced that they would support Greece in a possible war. In this direction, a few months ago, Greece signed many agreements with the USA and France.

The new balance of Politics in Europe. The USA has many military bases in Greece.
Although the USA says that these military bases are against Russia, there is a great distance between Russia and Greece. It would have been different if these military bases had been placed in Romania instead of Greece.

Greece said that Turkey might attack us after 8 November and this war is estimated to last 48 hours. The reason is that there are elections in the USA on 8 November. It is predicted that the Republicans will win these elections. Greece is very worried because Turkey has good relations with the American Republicans. Republicans may approve of Turkey’s bid to buy the F16.

The new balance of Politics in Europe. Another interesting point is that Turkey was excluded from the F35 program and it was not paid the money back, the reason being that Turkey bought the Russian-made S400 air defense systems. In Greece, there are Russian-made S300 air defense systems.

This shows that America applies double standards.

Turkey said that if the USA does not sell us warplanes, we can also buy warplanes from other countries.
Turkey is wanted to join the Shanghai Community. Putin and Xi Jinping said the world is being reshaped and the Shanghai Community will lead this new order.
Turkey will apply to join the Shanghai Community. Xi Jinping said that if Turkey makes an application, we will evaluate it positively.
This will increase the pressure of the USA on Turkey.

Shanghai meeting in Uzbekistan.The new formation in Asia threatens the hegemony of the West.
Economically, the Asian union plans to trade among themselves using their local currencies. In this direction, there are some agreements between Russia, China, and Iran, which undermine the reserve currency status of the dollar.
This is a great threat to the USA. The undermining of the dollar’s status as a reserve currency will cause a major internal crisis in the USA.

We see Europe going backward.
Shanghai meeting in Uzbekistan.That’s why a hybrid war is planned in Asia. War was planned between China and Taiwan, between Indonesia and the Philippines, and between India and Pakistan, but these plans will no longer work.
These countries are aware of this plan. China and India withdrew their troops from the disputed areas and demilitarized the area.

That’s why some powers are in favor of hybrid wars in Asia. Ukraine is a proxy state. Ukraine was chosen in Europe against Russia. Greece against Turkey in the Mediterranean. In Asia, China and Taiwan. Regional wars were planned with the three proxy countries.

Shanghai meeting in Uzbekistan.Russia will make important agreements with Turkey. Russia can recognize the TRNC.
Turkey has a 2025 plan and according to this plan, the Aegean islands will be under Turkish control.
Turkey is now preparing to join NATO and an EU alternative Asian Community.
Shanghai meeting in Uzbekistan. Watch carefully what will happen after September 17.


Researcher and Writer: Kanan Heydarov
Source: Shanghai meeting in Uzbekistan.
Data: 15.09.2022


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