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New order in Africa.

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New order in Africa.

New order in Africa.

France’s loss of influence in West Africa is the main topic of this article, written by Kanan Haydarov, a researcher and writer in the field of international relations and politics. The article examines the factors that led to France’s withdrawal from its former colonies, such as the popular protests and political movements that demanded more autonomy and democracy. The article also explores the possible scenarios for the future of Africa, as regional powers emerge and other external actors intervene.

France in Africa.

New order in Africa.
New order in Africa.

Due to the colonial treaties implemented by France in Africa, the currency, language, trade, army, administration, and education systems of African countries are under French control. West African

France’s power and authority in Africa is weakening. China, Russia, and Turkey started to take the places that France lost in West Africa.

West African revolt.

There is great competition for underground and surface resources in Africa. This rivalry affects regional conflicts on a global scale. The world’s energy and food resources are dwindling. There are not enough resources left to feed the world population. That means more battles for resource sharing. Africa is a very strategic continent with rich mineral deposits.

The new balance of Politics in the Middle East. An uprising broke out in Africa. France was the biggest loser of these uprisings. It has lost its influence in France, Mali, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Niger, Algeria, and some other countries. After the military coup in Niger, the French embassy was set on fire. The flags of Russia and Türkiye were also raised during the coup.

The new balance of Politics in the Middle East. Niger is of vital importance for France and Europe. 15% of France’s uranium imports and 20% of the European Union’s uranium reserves come from Niger. France has 1500 soldiers and the USA has 1000 soldiers in Niger. France was intervening in other countries in West Africa via Niger, but it can no longer do so.

If France is forced to withdraw from Africa, it will experience economic crisis and political instability. France generates 500 billion dollars in revenue from Africa every year. Losing this income will hit the French economy. Because France knows this, it is trying to take precautions.

France owes its prosperity to the exploitation of Africa. Although many colonial countries in Africa declared their independence in the 1960s, France has continued to colonize Africa to this day. But now, with Russia, China, and Turkey entering Africa, France has begun to decline.

France is planning a military operation in Niger and may have African Union forces do it. However, the USA is not expected to support this operation.

An uprising broke out in Senegal a week ago, and there may be an uprising in Cameroon next.

New order in Africa. Operations against France are carried out in countries such as Chad, Kenya, Mali, Sudan, Somalia, Niger, Ivory Coast, Guinea, Rwanda, and Senegal. All these coups in West Africa are part of a plan.

These coups that started in 2019 are still going on and this plan was prepared before 2019. A civil war planned and to be experienced in Africa will drive France and the West out of Africa.

In conclusion. As a result of possible internal revolts in Africa, Europe will withdraw from Africa and a new order will be established. A new African Union will be formed. Now the African continent is next. Order will be established in Africa. But first, chaos is likely.

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Subject: New order in Africa.
Date: 10.08.2023
Researcher and Author: Kanan Heydarov

New order in Africa.

Revolt in Africa.


  1. […] West African revolt.This article talks about the complexity of the uprisings in West Africa and the new order to be established.  […]

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