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Global Economic Crisis.

Increasing Russian tensions in Eastern Europe.

Global Economic Crisis.

Global Crisis.Economic Crisis.Global Economy.

This article was written to evaluate the critical events that occur today and is an impartial article.

Global Economic Crisis.

Global Economic Crisis.
Global Economic Crisis.

Italian company ENI has made a statement. Italy is in a major energy crisis and Russia is putting pressure on Europe through energy.
Russia’s Gazprom company has reduced 63 million cubic meters of gas destined for Italy to 21 million cubic meters, and Italy is 78% dependent on Russian gas. The Italian economy fell into a very difficult situation.
Global Economic Crisis. Although Italy made negotiations with a few countries to solve the gas problem, it was unsuccessful.

Nord Stream AG from Germany made a statement and announced that gas from Russia would be cut off.
This will put the German economy in a difficult position.
Protests are growing in Great Britain and energy shortages are rising, some firms in Great Britain will go bankrupt in September and October, and many firms will be severely damaged.
This crisis will cause many companies in Europe to go bankrupt and this will have a domino effect on the world. In September or October, the United Nations will issue an important warning and declare a Global Crisis.
Controlled Chaos is spreading fast. The state fell to Sri Lanka. The president fled abroad, and popular revolts spread throughout the country.

Events in China.

In the Chinese cities of Henan and Anhui, people could not withdraw the money they deposited in some banks. He’s talking about a 5 billion bill. The government official explained that this was done by a gang and that the digital money in their bank accounts was lost. There was this problem in 6 banks in China, people could not get their money. That’s why people gathered against the banks and protested.


The new balance of Politics in Europe. The old order in the world is now gone and a new order is being established. All these problems are the pains of the new order. There is a crisis all over the world, many of which people do not even know about.

We think that we are in a crisis, but the real crisis will begin in 2 months, what is happening now is the harbinger of the approaching crisis, there is no escape from this crisis.
The World is Reshaped Every remodeling started with a global crisis and has been shaped, and now the same things are being repeated.
Looking at history, everything from economic crises to political crises is repeated in the same way, the scenario is the same, but the actors and individuals are different.

Researcher and Writer: Kanan Heydarov
Resource: Global Economic Crisis.

Global Economic Crisis.

Critical Developments.

Global Economic Crisis.

Power Struggle.


  1. […] Global Crisis. […]

  2. […] was realized through Serbia and Kosovo.A war that will start in the Balkans will affect all of Eastern Europe and this will reshape Europe. Even though the events have been postponed for a month as a result of the tension, the second step […]

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